
v.翼侧包围( outflank的过去式和过去分词 )
outflanked 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He found himself outflanked over incomes policy .
- 他发现自己在收入政策的辩论中败给了对手。
- They found themselves outflanked by the rival takeover bid .
- 他们发现对手的收购出价超过了他们自己的。
- But they will not want to be outflanked by gulf states on their own doorstep .
- 但是他们不会愿意让海湾国家包围自家门口的。
- In country after country , facebook is cementing itself as the leader and often displacing other social networks , much as it outflanked myspace in the united states .
- 在一个又一个国家,facebook正在巩固其领导地位,常常取代了其他社交网络的位置,这非常类似于它在美国挫败myspace的情形。
- Conservative politicians , long fearful of being outflanked on the right , are pandering .
- 保守派的政治家因为长期害怕被右翼排挤,一直以来都随声附和。
- Meanwhile , the byzantine emperor heraclius had successfully outflanked the persian armies in asia minor and handed them a crushing defeat in northern mesopotamia .
- 同时,拜占庭的皇帝赫拉克略已经成功地在小亚细亚翼侧包围波斯军队,把他们挤进美索不达米亚北部,并且打败他们。
- Others could form a government without him , but the once-dominant flemish christian democrats have not dared cut a separate deal for fear of being outflanked .
- 他人也许能够组成一个没有德魏夫的政府,不过曾叱咤风云的基督教民主党因担心竞选失败,不敢与分离主义者达成协议。
- The sec has unparalleled numbers of retail investors to protect and it does not want to be outflanked by aggressive state prosecutors .
- 美国证交委要保护无以计数的散户,而且不希望被虎视眈眈的州检察官围攻。
- American and un diplomats fear that the kurdish leaders , wary of being outflanked by each other on such issues as kirkuk , are in danger of overplaying their hand-at a risk of losing much that they have already achieved .
- 美国人和联合国外交官担心库尔德人的领导者,由于害怕在基尔库克这类问题上被相互包抄,而过高估计自己的作用从而失去他们已经得到的许多东西。
- Desperate to avoid being outflanked on the right , the seven candidates tried so hard to outdo each other in finding fault with president obama that they seemed to forget that they are competing for the same party nomination .
- 七个候选人为避免被右派侧翼包围,不顾一切互相攀比,都坚决地试图从美国总统奥巴马身上寻找到错误,以显示自己鹤立鸡群,但他们似乎忘记自己为同一个党的提名而互相竞争。