Nicole 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Thirty-one years later , dads are more likely to be satisfied with their holiday than mothers are with theirs , according to psychology lecturer nicole gilbert cote at the university of massachusetts at amherst , who researches father 's day phenomena .
- 三十一年之后,阿默斯特的马萨诸塞州立大学心理学讲师尼科尔.吉尔伯特.科特研究父亲节,根据他的研究,在各自的节日这天,父亲们似乎比母亲们更容易得到满足。
- Of course nicole 's case is not representative of society as a whole .
- 当然,尼科尔的案例并不能代表整个社会。
- After a doctor checks out nicole , palmer asks his family for their support in making his announcement .
- 一位医生为尼科尔做了身体检查,接下来,帕默为他即将做出的声明,向他的家人寻求支持。
- Although she is worried for her brother , nicole is even more fearful about reopening past wounds .
- 尽管尼科尔担心她的哥哥可能会坐牢,但她更害怕的是重新掀开过去的伤口。
- Nicole minetti , a former television showgirl and dental hygienist allegedly supplied women for mr berlusconi 's " bunga bunga " parties , aiding and abetting prostitution .
- 前电视广告女郎,口腔保健员尼科尔米内蒂被指控为前总理贝卢斯科尼的“饮酒狂欢性派对”招妓,还涉嫌协助及教唆他人卖淫。