英音  ['fləʊtɪd]    
美音 ['floʊtɪd]    


v.(使)浮动( float的过去式和过去分词 );(使)漂浮[飘动];(使货币汇率)自由浮动;轻盈走动

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It intervened in foreign-exchange markets to weaken a currency that had hit its highest level since it was floated in 1985 .
Eric singer , manager of the tiny , offbeat congressional effect mutual fund , has followed the gold price since it first floated freely nearly 40 years ago .
Hundred-man space stations would have floated in earth orbit , and astronauts would have been ferried back and forth to a moon base on the new spaceships .
Even then , many of the schemes being floated would be contentious .
If the yuan freely floated , he said , it would find its natural level and then fluctuate up or down .
In a crude anticipation of modern plate tectonics , thales professed that the flat earth floated on water .
She was wearing a purple dress that had floated up over her waist and she was waving at the sky for help .
Martinez , wearing a gray flight suit , floated in zero gravity while a printer from 3d systems , bolted to the floor of the plane , printed a wrench .
He floated for a while , then did exactly what the experts recommend : he swam slowly , parallel to the beach , until he was out of the current .
This was interesting but , as the beads floated around in water with no obvious way to turn them into a product , people asked : what could be done with them ?