Bella 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You 're the man who attacked bella ?
- 你就是袭击bella的人?
- Hitler , a well-known dog-lover , had two german shepherds named blondi and bella .
- 希特勒,一名众所周知的狗痴,拥有两头德国牧羊犬,分别叫做blondi和bella。
- Why do they follow the adventures of young bella and her vampire lover edward ?
- 为什么他们会追随年轻的贝拉和她吸血鬼情人爱德华的冒险旅程?
- The conference , held at the modern bella center , will run for two weeks .
- 会议将在现代化的bella中心举行,为期两周。
- Definitive role to date : bella swan in " twilight " and " new moon "
- 最适合约会的角色:2008年的”暮光之城“和2009年“暮光之城2:新月”中的bellaswan
- So the cullen family leave town and bella mopes for months and months .
- 所以库伦家族离开了小镇,贝拉游荡了好几个月。
- Nazi propaganda dwelled on hitler as a dog lover . He owned two german shepherds named bella and blondi .
- 纳粹的宣传机器把希特勒吹捧为犬类爱好者,他拥有两条分别名为贝拉和布隆迪的德国牧羊犬。
- See that bella luna last night ?
- 昨晚看那个月亮女神了么?
- Bella , you are my life now .
- 你现在就是我生活的一部分。
- Then you 'll sing " vita bella "
- 你会接着唱:人生多美丽