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- At this week 's deutsche messe technology show in hanover , researchers at the fraunhofer institute displayed an electric vehicle which they are using as a test platform to investigate new vehicle systems .
- 在这周的德国汉诺威技术展上,fraunhofer研究所的研究人员展示了一款电动汽车,这是他们作为测量新型汽车系统的平台。
- Both art basel fairs are owned by mch messe schweiz , the swiss convention centre and event management group .
- 两处的巴塞尔艺术博览会都隶属于瑞士的会议中心与会展管理集团mchmesseschweiz。
- The " hammering man " outside the frankfurt messe is still bashing away at his piece of metal .
- 法兰克福会展外的“拿铁锤的人”,继续捶打着他的金属片。
- Out of the largest four exhibition companies worldwide ( reed , gl events , ubm and messe frankfurt ) , the german exhibition group was the first to publish preliminary sales figures for 2011 .
- 在这4家全球最大的展览公司reed,glevents,ubm和messefrankfurt当中,德国的展览集团是第一个公布2011年初步销售数据的公司。
- " With increasing numbers of older vacationers this target group is acquiring growing importance for the travel sector , " said martin buck , messe berlin director of competence center travel and logistics .
- “随着年龄不断增长的度假者人数上升,这个目标客户群对旅游业显得越来越重要了,”柏林展览有限公司(messeberlin)旅游及物流权能中心总监martinbuck说。