
meritocratic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And formally meritocratic university entrance exams have not guaranteed equality of opportunity .
- 而且以前优秀大学通过高考录取的学生并没有保证机会平等。
- Ideally , the process should be meritocratic : the mechanism should be explicitly designed to choose leaders with superior competence and virtue .
- 理想的方案是,这个过程应该是择优的:其机制应当明确旨在产生具有卓越能力和品德的领导人。
- But even among the meritocratic elite the economy 's evolution has produced a startling divergence .
- 但是即便在精英人士当中,经济发展也令他们产生了令人震惊的背离想象。
- All sorts of class-based conspiracy theories exist to explain the success of such institutions , but the main reason why they thrive in a more meritocratic world is something much more pragmatic : their ability to get people into elite universities .
- 各种以班级为基础的策划理论是私立学校成功的因素,但是它们之所能在以能力为主导的社会兴旺发展,其主要原因更为实际:有能力的人就能进入精英学校。
- But in the middle ages , success in christian society tended to be violently aristocratic ( warfare and land ) , rather than peacefully meritocratic ( banking and trade ) .
- 但在中世纪,基督教社会中所谓的成功多是贵族通过战争与土地强争豪取,而非通过量才而用(如从事银行或贸易工作)和平地获得。
- The admissions process -- a single exam -- is not really meritocratic , hayes argues , because wealthy applicants can afford the best tutoring .
- 海耶斯认为,只有一场考试的招生流程不是真正的英才教育理念,因为有钱的家庭可以聘请最优秀的家庭教师。
- At the heart of his etp is a pledge to introduce a more meritocratic society .
- 在他etp的核心承诺引入精英制度的社会。
- In areas such as foreign policy and the environment , the meritocratic house would have more say .
- 但是在外交政策和环境保护等领域,精英议会则将拥有更高的话语权。
- At heart , this is a meritocratic process ; but not always .
- 从心底来讲,这是个高级学者统治的过程,但是并不绝对。
- The system saps malaysia 's competitiveness , and has driven some frustrated members of the minorities-mainly chinese and indians-to decamp to more meritocratic countries .
- 这个体系削弱了马来西亚的竞争力,已经驱使一些受挫的少数民族成员主要是华人和印度人移居到较为倾向精英管理的国家。