chas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Chas , I detect a slight panic pulse from you . Are you panicking ?
- 查理我发现你吓坏了你很害怕吗?
- " It 's a good-looking car , and the mg brand still means something to people , but I think they 're going to find it tough , " said chas hallett , editor of autocar magazine .
- 《汽车》(autocar)杂志编辑查斯哈利特(chashallett)表示:“这款车外型不错,mg品牌也仍有一些影响力,但我认为他们将会发现成功很艰难。”
- Chas freeman , chairman of projects international , is a former assistant secretary of defense , international security affairs and u. s. ambassador to the kingdom of saudi arabia .
- 作者系国际项目中心主席,前美国国防部助理,国际安全事务官员,曾任美国驻沙特阿拉伯王国大使。
- Ibm expects to complete the deployment of its health-care analytics technology , called clinical and health records analytics and sharing , or chas , in guangdong hospital of traditional chinese medicine by the end of the year .
- ibm预计年底完成在广东省中医院的医疗分析技术的部署工作,该技术名为“门诊与健康纪录分析与共享(clinicalandhealthrecordsanalyticsandsharing)”,简称chas。
- According to ceo chas eggert , the global market for acrylic acid is about $ 8 billion , growing at an annual rate of 3 % to 4 % . "
- CEO查斯•艾格特称,丙烯酸的全球产值为80亿美元,年增长率为3%至4%。
- He 's your dad , too , chas .
- 他也是你的爸爸,查斯.
- No. they belong to chas .
- 不,他们是属于查斯的。
- Sorry I let you down , chas .
- 对不起我让你失望了,查斯.