
n.延期,推迟( postponement的名词复数 );延期的事
postponements 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The lawyer for an assamese murderer says of these repeated , last-minute postponements : " you are virtually killing him every day . "
- 对这种在最后关头反复推迟执行的行为,一名阿萨姆邦凶手的律师表示,“这实际是每天都在处决他。”
- After two postponements the leaders finally flew on march 11th to america , where they were to meet its president , barack obama , and rev up enthusiasm for northern ireland at the white house 's annual st patrick 's day shindig .
- 经过两次延期后,领袖们终于在3月11日飞赴美国,与总统巴拉克奥巴马展开会谈,目的是在每年的圣帕特里克节庆祝会之际,唤起白宫对北爱尔兰的关注。
- Some postponements or cancellations would " come over time " , he said .
- 他说,某些推迟或取消会“慢慢来”。
- Jacques rogge said wednesday that postponements were a possibility for some sports that are continued in several hours such as cycling .
- 雅克罗格在星期三说有些持续数小时的项目,比如自行车可能会延期。
- Mr yusuf was not helped by the election postponements : his term ended in february , which denied his campaign the incumbent 's usual access to state resources .
- 优素福并没有从选举推迟中得利,他的任期在2月结束,这就使其不能获得现任者在竞选活动中通常所能使用的国家资源。
- An america that cannot deal with its financial problems other than through repeated crises followed by shabby postponements will eventually go broke .
- 一个除了通过反复的金融危机以及可鄙的延期外无法处理自身金融问题的美国注定将要破产。