



masturbation 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mutual masturbation or body rubbing has a variety of advantages .
- 互相自慰和身体的相互摩擦有很多好处。
- Masturbation : an effective medicine for melancholy .
- 自慰:一种解决忧郁问题的特效药。
- No need for that because masturbation is a normal thing .
- 这完全没有必要,因为自慰是很正常的事情。
- Masturbation can feel so much better if you introduce contrasting sensations .
- 如果引入不同的感官,自慰的感觉会更好。
- Do you think there 's less guilt associated with masturbation now ?
- 你认为,现在的自慰不再那么与罪恶相联系?
- In these cases , masturbation allows the experience of sexual fulfillment .
- 在这种情况下,自慰使我们能够体验到对性爱的满足。
- Masturbation is an vital part of sexual problems that can be explored .
- 自慰是性问题非常重要的一个部分,很有探究价值。
- The latter is simply untrue ; masturbation is not even mentioned in the bible .
- 后者显然是错误的;圣经里根本就没有提到过自慰。
- Masturbation allows us to enjoy these benefits whether or not we have a sexual partner .
- 不论我们是否拥有性伴侣,我们都可以通过自慰享受到这些好处。
- Masturbation can be all the more satisfying if you vary the ways in which you touch yourself .
- 如果你尝试用不同的方法触摸自己,自慰能够给你更多的快感。