

pinkeye 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If he tested positive for pinkeye .
- 如果他红眼病测试阳性。
- Did you have pinkeye , too ?
- 你也得了红眼病?
- Sharing face towels is a great way to get conjunctivitis , the infection also known as pinkeye .
- 和别人共用毛巾是导致结膜炎的主要途径,这种传染病也叫红眼病。
- That the pinkeye is in incubation period is just that morbidity scheduled time does not have contagion what .
- 红眼病在潜伏期也就是没有发病期具有传染性吗。
- Be on the lookout for terrorists with pinkeye and leprosy .
- 请注意眼睛泛红与有麻疯的恐部分子.
- Today completed the oil painting work - pinkeye tree frog .
- 今天完成了油画作品-红眼树蛙。
- Last thing I need 's a case of pinkeye .
- 我可不希望染上红眼病.
- Gorgeous powder spoils charming , smooth and fair pinkeye son incense cheek snow .
- 艳粉娇红眼儿媚,冰肌玉骨香腮雪。
- Having sore eyes ; suffering from pinkeye or conjunctivitis .
- 眼睛疼痛;患有红眼病、结膜炎。
- I 've got pinkeye , and I have a sinus infection .
- 我得了结膜炎,又有鼻窦炎。