There is a remote probe malfunctioning . It requires your attention .
My near-death experience , however , took place not while my cortex was malfunctioning , but while it was simply off .
When the heart starts functioning for someone , the brain starts malfunctioning too much .
If either system were malfunctioning and trimming the aircraft incorrectly , you could disable it and just trim the plane manually using the big trim wheel .
Nearly half of all incidents since 2002 arose from malfunctioning equipment construction flaws and other technical problems with pipelines .
All the chief arguments against near-death experiences suggest that these experiences are the results of minimal , transient , or partial malfunctioning of the cortex .
So a lot of malfunctioning wee-wees and hoo-hoos in this room , huh ?
Malfunctioning robots could fire wildly at anything .
In our studies , we found that a small percentage of subjects never shared any money ; analysis of their blood indicated that their oxytocin receptors were malfunctioning .