
v.把…输入电脑( input的过去式和过去分词 )
inputted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Assist discipline engineer to check labor power , material and main equipment inputted by the contractor in construction projects and their operating condition , and get done with records ;
- 协助专业监理工程师检查承包单位投入工程项目的人力、材料、主要设备及其使用运行状况,并做好检查记录。
- In the past , the government merely inputted but won income , constructed but operated , which factually gave rise to the great waste of the city resources , and also impeded its further development .
- 过去政府只投入,不收益,只建设,不经营,实际上造成了城市资源长期的巨大浪费,也阻碍了城市的进一步发展。
- Lingoware editor has " learning " capabilities , whereby words , phrases and sentences that have been inputted by the translator help to expand the knowledge base of the editor .
- lingoware编辑具备“学习”的能力,据此那些由翻译员输入的单词、短语和句子帮助扩大编辑的知识基础。
- Table 1 net income of water resource inputted in main grain crops production in huang-huai-hai region .
- 黄淮海地区主要粮食作物生产中的水资源纯收益。
- A privately-run school has the property right as a legal person over the assets in which the sponsor has inputted capital , state-owned assets , donated property and the accumulated assets through school running .
- 民办学校对举办者投入民办学校的资产、国有资产、受赠的财产以及办学积累,享有法人财产权。
- Data can be inputted into printers that lay down thin layers of material , plastic or metal for instance , to create everything from gun parts to artificial limbs and jewelry .
- 只需把数据输入打印机,就可以通过材料的层层叠加(比如塑料或金属等)打印出任何东西,无论是枪械零件、人体器官,还是珠宝首饰都不在话下。
- Entourage will now move any emails form the address you inputted into your selected folder !
- 随行人员就会将现在的任何电子邮件地址输入你形式选定的文件夹!
- Using information inputted by customers , including pin data , the criminals are reproducing credit cards at an alarming rate .
- 使用顾客输入的信息,包括密码,犯罪分子可以复制信用卡。
- A forecasting and deciding system of the stock market has been studied successfully , which can make a decision whether buying or selling in the next trade day , only needing seven pieces of inputted information that are sampled easily from the stock market .
- 研制成功了股票预测与决策系统,只需输入当天收盘价、成交量等七个容易得到的股票信息,系统就能给出下一交易日的买卖决策。