
inputting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In japan , where three writing systems are combined into one , mobiles and computers use the simpler hiragana and katakana scripts for inputting - meaning users may forget the kanji , a third strand of japanese writing similar to chinese characters .
- 在日本,人们把三种文字概括成了一种,手机和电脑中使用较简单的平假名和片假名输入法,这也意味着另一种类似于汉字的文字系统----日本汉字,将难逃被遗忘的命运。
- A security feature like that would prove even quicker , easier , and more secure than the current method of inputting a four-digit code .
- 这种安全功能无疑更为迅速、便捷,而且比目前输入4位密码的方法更安全。
- Users also can search manually by inputting addresses or cities .
- 用户也能输入具体的地点和城市来搜索酒店。
- The use of bbid will provide users with the ability to seamlessly switch their devices by inputting their bbid on their new device .
- 通过在新设备中输入他们的bbid,bbid就爱能够为用户提供无缝切换他们设备的能力。
- They will locate the position and download the route to the driver in seconds thereby saving them time scrolling through the address book or inputting postcodes .
- 系统可以在几秒内找到定位,并给司机下载行车路线,从而节省他们翻阅的地址簿或通过输入邮政编码的时间。
- While amazon 's kindle has a physical keyboard for inputting text , and directional buttons for painfully sluggish navigation , users of the nook can make their way around it using screen taps or swipes ; its on-screen keyboard appears when needed .
- kindle拥有可以输入文字的物理键盘和反应迟钝的方向键,而nook的用户可以通过触摸和敲击萤幕输入指令,它的萤幕键盘会在需要时出现。