Burger king also stopped using silvercrest 's products , although there was no horsemeat found in burgers sold by the fast food chain .
Charities have put up their hands to claim meals that have been yanked from retail shelves as the growing horsemeat scandal engulfs europe .
In a city where residents are used to eating chicken feet and snake soup , you might not think that a side of lasagna mixed with horsemeat would raise any alarms .
News of horsemeat turning up in beef products sourced in europe has spread across the globe in recent weeks , hurting the reputations of some of europe 's biggest food producers .
But as the united kingdom 's horsemeat scandal spreads to hong kong , prompting a recall of lasagna at one of the city 's two biggest supermarket chains , some are crying foul .
Horsemeat was once fed to children as a key source of iron by italian mothers but young customers were now reluctant to try his horse stew , which is slow cooked for hours , said nizzoli . " Horses were traditionally eaten here when they died but kids today just aren 't interested , " he said .