

hillside 变化形式
复数: hillsides
易混淆的单词: Hillside


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- Victorian houses also line up the hillside streets and overlook a huge blue bay surrounded by mountains .
- 维多利亚式的房子在山坡上的街道两旁排列着,俯视着被群山环绕巨大的蓝色海湾。
- Take el valle , a hillside slum on the edge of caracas , for example .
- 以埃尔巴耶为例,这是加拉加斯郊区一个位于半山腰上的贫民窟。
- This is a large , hillside cavern about 40km ( 25 miles ) from the sea .
- 这是一个离海岸大约40km(25miles),坐落于山腰的山洞。
- Most are jehovah 's witnesses or baptists , whose colourful meeting places sit together on a hillside looking into guatemala .
- 大部分非天主教徒是耶和华的见证人或浸礼会信徒,他们丰富多彩的聚会场所一同坐落在山腰上,窥视着危地马拉。
- The empty streets on the hillside of nearby kumamachi , which escaped the tsunami , attest to a different kind of fear .
- 躲过海啸的熊町附近山腰上空荡荡的街道是人们对灾害恐慌的另一种证明。
- They traveled on cable cars to hillside temples before watching devotees take evening dips and worship the river .
- 他们先乘缆车来到山坡的神庙,然后又观看印度教信徒进行晚浴并朝拜圣河。
- On one side was the fast-running river , on the other was the dark hillside .
- 路的一旁是快速流动的河水,另一旁是黑漆漆的山坡。
- With them , the whole hillside and landscape of stones and olive trees rose slowly back into sight .
- 同它们一起,整个山坡与石头的景观以及橄榄树缓慢上升,回到人们的视线。
- Cave houses line the hillside - they are dwellings dug into the rock , bricked up at the front .
- 窑洞成行的座落在山坡上,它们是在岩石里面挖成,砖砌在前面的住所。
- We reached a plateau , with excavators and bulldozers , and parked outside a tunnel into the hillside .
- 我们到了一处高地,有几台挖掘机和推土机,把车停在一条进入山坡的隧道外。