

v.责问演说者,对…起哄( heckle的过去式和过去分词 )

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Mr sarkozy 's approval ratings have been low in recent months , and he 's been heckled on several occasions , but this is the first time he 's been physically attacked .
Advocates for gay people objected furiously , and in 1970 , one year after the landmark stonewall protests to stop police raids at a new york bar , a team of gay rights protesters heckled a meeting of behavioral therapists in new york to discuss the topic .
As thousands of environmentalists heckled world leaders in copenhagen last month for the climate summit , a solitary unifying note could be heard amid the cacophony of discord : the danish capital has already emerged as one of the world 's greenest - and maybe coolest - cities .
She is accustomed to being heckled .
Roosevelt was heckled by a man in the audience .
Hillary was heckled by an audience during a forum on global warming on saturday .
As the activists moved slowly through the city , they passed small , scattered groups of counter-protesters who jeered and heckled them .
The head of the compensation committee for barclays was heckled at the bank 's annual meeting in london on april 27th .
A brazilian university has publicly expelled a woman who was heckled by hundreds of fellow students for wearing a short , pink skirt to class , taking out newspaper ads today to publicly accuse her of immorality .
Ringed by israeli police and secret service agents , first lady laura bush is heckled as she visits jewish and muslim holy sites in jerusalem .