
n.公顷(等于2。471英亩)( hectare的名词复数 )
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- Now it has spread across 13000 hectares and appears to be uncontrollable .
- 如今它已蔓延至13000公顷并呈显无法遏制的态势。
- Officials say scars of wildfire in north california 's lincoln county has burnt 32 hectares .
- 官方人员表示北卡莱罗纳州林肯县的火灾已经烧毁32公顷土地。
- The study estimates that some 20m hectares around the world are watered in this way .
- 该研究表明全世界大约有2千万公顷的农田使用这种方式灌溉。
- At nearly 400 hectares , it is twice the size of london 's olympic park .
- 其近400公顷的占地面积,是伦敦奥林匹克公园的两倍。
- For a big dog such as a german shepherd , the figure is 1.1 hectares .
- 对于德国牧羊犬这样的大型犬,这个数字将是1.1公顷。
- In 1965 the largely denuded 25 hectares of the island were declared a nature preserve .
- 1965年,这个25公顷的光秃秃的大岛被宣布为自然保护区。
- The price of a smallholding of several hectares is only the minimal sum needed to have it marked out and registered .
- 一个面积几公顷的小农场的价格仅仅是做标记和注册所需的最少费用。
- In the 0.48 hectares directly studied , the researchers found 6144 arthropod species .
- 在直接研究的0.48公顷林地中,研究人员共发现6144种节肢动物。
- He is accused of using his influence to enable his wife to buy five hectares through a government agency .
- 他信被控利用其影响力,让他的妻子通过一个政府部门买下一块5公顷的土地。
- Officials say eighty-one thousand hectares of farmland are too heavily irradiated to let farmers plant rice .
- 有关人员表示,8.1万公顷农田被过量辐射,使得农民无法种植水稻。