

snotty 流鼻涕的
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- She asked in a snotty voice .
- 她问一个自大的声音。
- It isn 't some snotty nursery .
- 这里不是照看流鼻涕小毛孩的.
- Cold weather slows down the draining process , causing a mucus backup that can leave you with snotty sleeves .
- 如果天气冷,这个流动的速度会变慢,粘液就会回流,你就会流鼻涕了。
- He had just let madison talk about me and be a complete cruel snotty bitch without saying a word .
- 他刚刚让麦迪逊谈论我并没有说一个字一个完整的残酷自大婊子。
- You 're snotty little miss cranky pants and I go with the flow .
- 你是下贱的任性小姐,我随遇而安。
- We tried to make you feel comfortable , but you chose to be snotty !
- 我们试过让你觉得自在些,但你选择目中无人!
- Most of the time , for most people , respiratory diseases such as influenza and the common cold are little more than a snotty inconvenience .
- 对于大多数人来说,诸如流感和普通感冒这样的呼吸系统疾病在大多数时候带给他们的不便不过是不时流出来的鼻涕罢了。
- John thinks I 'm so snotty .
- 约翰认为我很没礼貌。
- Or snub any snob who is snotty to me .
- 或是冷落那些自认不凡、老是对我无理的人。
- They 'll come in , make a face , say something snotty .
- 她们顶多进来做个鬼脸,冷嘲热讽一番。