
grenades 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Video footage showed the miners threw grenades first , prompting police to retaliate in self-defense .
- 该段视频画面显示,矿工们首先扔出手榴弹,促使警方自卫性的进行报复。
- A human-rights lawyer , whose home was once attacked by assailants with grenades , raises a greater fear .
- 有位人权律师的住所曾经遭到攻击者和手榴弹的袭击,现在他更加忧心忡忡。
- The attackers threw grenades on the crowd as it concluded late-night prayers , and then detonated themselves .
- 正当人们结束深夜的祈祷之际,袭击者向人群投掷了手榴弹,然后点燃了身上的炸弹。
- The insurgents were found to have explosives strapped to them , hand grenades and train tickets to moscow , officials said .
- 官员说,这些叛军的身上绑着炸药和手榴弹,还带着前往莫斯科的火车票。
- They hurled grenades and molotov cocktails , yelled angry slogans and demanded more support for rebel fighters now out of a job .
- 他们猛掷手榴弹与燃烧弹,愤怒的高喊着口号并要求给予如今无业的反抗军成员以更多的帮助。
- These included 403 lee enfield rifles , 60 hand grenades , 20 machine guns and 26000 rounds of ammunition .
- 其中包括403只李恩菲尔德式(leeenfield)步枪、60颗手榴弹、20挺机枪和2.6万发子弹。
- Insurgents in afghanistan carried out co-ordinated attacks on an unprecedented scale , targeting embassies and government buildings with guns and rocket-propelled grenades in kabul 's heavily fortified diplomatic zone .
- 在喀布尔重兵把守的外交区,手持枪支和手榴弹的阿富汗叛乱分子,向大使馆和政府部门建筑发动了规模空前的联合攻击。
- Military boffins have developed this bomb-proof ' string vest ' which can be fitted to armoured vehicles and withstand roadside blasts and grenades .
- 军事科技工作者研制了一种可安装在装甲车上的“网眼背心”,用于防御路边炸弹和手榴弹。
- State tv released a video showing guns , ak-47s , hand grenades and other ammunition as well as stashes of cash that security forces allegedly found in the mosque .
- 国有电视台播放的视频显示了手枪、ak-47突击步枪、手榴弹等武器以及现金,据称是安全部队在清真寺中搜出的。
- Xinhua said that after the truck hit a utility pole , the men tossed grenades into a police compound and attacked officers with knives .
- 报导称,卡车撞上了一根电线杆后,袭击者向一座营房投掷了手榴弹,并用刀攻击武警。