
n.手榴弹兵,精锐部队的士兵( grenadier的名词复数 )
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- Fuses are notoriously unreliable , and grenadiers can die as their own bombs explode prematurely .
- 这种臭名昭著的导火线极不可靠,提早爆炸很可能令掷弹兵死在自己的炸弹手里。
- Six grenadiers came upon an old woman named mother batherick and surrendered to her , begging for protection .
- 六个掷弹兵遇到一个叫巴瑟里克妈妈的老婆婆,向她投降,要求庇护。
- Increases armor and health of riflemen , missile squads , and grenadiers .
- 它增加机枪兵,导弹小队和手榴弹兵的血量和护甲。
- Relatives and friends of telford said the 37-year-old , a long-serving guardsman in the grenadiers , had flown out to afghanistan last month for a tour of duty with the royal military police .
- 马修泰尔福德中士的亲戚朋友说这位37岁的卫兵已在掷弹兵近卫团服役多年,他上月随同皇家宪兵队(royalmilitarypolice)飞到阿富汗参加义务巡逻。