
gremlins 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Gremlins
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- Week of gremlin : double growth for gremlins and master gremlins .
- 地精周:地精产量加倍。
- She now lives in loveland , colorado , at the foot of the rocky mountains , a place where fairies and genies , along with pixies , trolls , gremlins , and assorted humans , are welcome to gather .
- 她现今住在科罗拉多州的洛夫兰,就位于落基山脚下,是一个集仙女,妖怪,小鬼,巨怪,小精灵,以及人类为一体的地方。
- As we may not fully appreciate , sex might be the most sensitive barometer of the solidity of the relationship between husband and wife , or between two lovers ; and when the gremlins of infidelity or inattentiveness or other forms of cruelty enter the relationship , then the sexual life will suffer as a consequence .
- 就像我们可能未能完全了解的那样,性可能是丈夫和妻子之间,或两个情人之间关系稳固性最敏感的晴雨表;当不忠的幽灵、冷漠或其它形式的残酷进入到关系中,性生活随后也遭受磨难。
- The planets are being little gremlins this month , dear aries .
- 亲爱的白羊们,这个月的行星有点像小捣蛋鬼。
- The gremlins have got into the computer again .
- 捣乱的小精灵又钻进计算机里了。
- If nightmares about the monster in the closet or the gremlins under the bed disturb your sleep , you might want to avoid candy bars .
- 块糖如果梳妆台里的妖魔或者床底下的精灵噩梦打搅你的睡眠,你可能要避免块糖。
- In this very cool winter adventure brought to you by 2dplay , thwart the gremlins plans .
- 在这个非常酷的冬天带来2dplay你冒险,挫败捣蛋鬼的计划。