
v.移情,神会( empathize的过去式和过去分词 )
empathized 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Your new york times piece created quite a firestorm online , drawing in both women who empathized and those who thought you were being too harsh .
- 纽约时报的一块在线造成不小的风暴,恶劣的技术应用于妇女谁同情态度和那些谁觉得你太。
- He also empathized with mozart 's ability to continue to compose magnificent music even in very difficult and impoverished conditions .
- 爱因斯坦很认同莫扎特即使在非常困难或穷困潦倒的情况依然可以继续创作的能力。
- An alabama native who had always empathized with the plight of blacks , phillips had spent much of his career producing what were politely termed " race records , " music for african americans , a genre that major labels at the time would not touch .
- 菲利普斯是土生土长的亚拉巴马人,由于一贯同情黑人的困难处境,他将自己事业的很大一部分集中在为非洲裔美国人制作唱片,人们客气地称之为“种族唱片”,而在那时那些大唱片公司是不愿接触这一类音乐的。
- But in return , he gathered a good deal of support from friends and strangers who empathized , recommended doctors and cheered him on .
- 但是,他也因此收获了朋友和陌生人的大量支持,他们同情他、鼓励他,还为他推荐良医。