

kerning 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In the sketch you only see some examples where the kerning pair is negative ; reducing space .
- 图中只出现了字距配对为负的例子缩减空间。
- The jungle in the sewers of kerning city .
- 烧毁都市鄙人水路中的丛林。
- Kerning.knowledge about kerning will give a deeper understanding of type .
- 字距调整的知识会让你对字体的理解更进一步。
- Auto-kerning the automatic reduction of unwanted white spaces between characters for aesthetic reasons . See kerning .
- 自动字间减位某因美观关系,字母间不需要的空位自动减少。参阅字间减位。
- In some cases kerning is inevitable and necessary .
- 有些场合这种字距调整是必不可少的。
- A kerning pair is a technical issue for optical reasons .
- 字距配对(kerningpair)是一种因视觉需要而做的技术处理。
- However , forget about kerning for now , spend your time on other things .
- 但我们现在先暂时把它忘记,先花点时间看看另外的东西。
- A kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file .
- 数字化的字库文件中可以实现这种字距配对。