
v.移情,神会( empathize的第三人称单数 )
empathizes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She empathizes with kim because of her own experiences as a mother .
- 她自己也有做母亲的经历因而很理解金的感受。
- In cairo , he emphasized his muslim heritage to show muslims around the world that he empathizes with them as no previous american president possibly could .
- 在开罗,他强调他与穆斯林的渊源,以向全世界的穆斯林展示他比所有以前的美国总统更重视穆斯林。
- He studies for a test because he wants to do well , writes a letter because he misses his aunt , draws a picture because it calms him , acts brave because others are counting on him , and teaches tolerance because he empathizes with the sting of unfair treatment .
- 他为一个测验而学是因为他想去做好,写一封信是因为他思念他的姑妈,画一幅画是因为画使他平静,勇敢地行动是因为其他人在指望着自己,教授容忍是因为他对不公平对待的痛苦感同身受。