ema 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If the macd value is higher than the nine-day ema , then it is considered a bullish moving average crossover .
- 如果macd值一旦上穿9日ema值,则被认为产生移动平均线金叉。
- At the right edge of the chart the ema is down and prices have just fallen to a new low , but force index is starting to trace a bullish divergence .
- 在图的右边,均线下跌,价格跌到新低,但是力量指数开始跟踪到看涨背离。
- When the weekly trend is down and daily oscillators rally and reach overbought levels , they signal to sell short , especially when they coincide with rallies to the ema .
- 当周线图上趋势是下跌,日线图上振荡指标上涨并到达超买水平,信号是做空,尤其是它们和均线冲突时。
- The survey of more than 700 ema recipients , conducted by the university and college union with the association of colleges , found that 70 per cent said they would have to drop out of their course if their grant was withdrawn .
- 这项调查是在700名教育津贴受益者中进行的,由英国学院协会和大学联盟发起的,他们发现70%的受访者说如果他们的拨款被终止了,他们就必须要退学了。
- Students from sixth forms and colleges will be holding demonstrations against the abolition of the ema on the day of the vote and a lobby in the house of commons is planned . The action has been organised by trade unions .
- 中学的高年级学生和一些大学生打算在投票的那天举行集会,发对政府废弃了教育津贴,而一些下议会的议员也在计划着这件事,而这项行动已经由工会组织起来了。
- Seven in 10 poor teenagers would drop out of school if controversial plans to scrap the education maintenance allowance ( ema ) go ahead , research suggests .
- 调查表明:饱受争议的废除教育津贴的计划如果继续执行的话,十分之七的贫困青年将会选择退学。
- In the cin ema icould not suppress an embarrassingly loud sob when the beast , astonished , murmurs to the beauty , " you came back , belle ; you came back . "
- 在剧院里,当野兽(电影beautyandthebeast)惊异的,低声的对美女说:“你回来了,belle,你回来了~”我克制不住的哭了起来。
- Ema publishes draft guideline on validation of bioanalytical methods
- ema的发布“关于生物分析方法验证准则草案”
- Market thermometer falls and its ema slants down , indicating a sleepy market .
- 市场温度下跌,均线下跌,表明市场平静。
- They said studies have shown that the ema is a key factor in improving participation in further education .
- 他们说,研究已经表明教育津贴是提高公民参与继续教育的重要因素。