


swiftly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mobiles enable kidnap victims and witnesses to inform the police swiftly .
- 移动电话使绑架案件受害人和证人能够迅速通知警方。
- Pundits are struggling to understand how matters deteriorated so swiftly .
- 专家们竭力想要弄清是什么使事件恶化得如此迅速。
- That dress also swiftly sold out online after middleton wore it .
- 这条裙子也是在米德尔顿穿过之后就迅速在网上销售一空。
- Perhaps the sense that the number of tomorrows is waning swiftly ?
- 这是不是因为我感到明天的数量在迅速地减少?
- Few are optimistic that the politicians will act swiftly .
- 没有多少人乐观地认为,政界人士能够迅速行动。
- But those caught in iraq are swiftly handed over to the iraqis .
- 但是那些在伊拉克国内抓获的则迅速交给了伊拉克人。
- It now stands a decent chance of being swiftly approved .
- 目前看来,这一修正案极有可能迅速通过。
- His absolute control of berkshire allows mr buffett to act swiftly .
- 巴菲特对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的绝对控制,让他得以迅速采取行动。
- Israel offered to send rescue workers to turkey but was swiftly spurned .
- 以色列主动提出派遣搜救人员到土耳其,但迅速遭到拒绝。
- If japan tackles its demographic problems swiftly , it has a chance of being a model of how to deal with ageing , rather than a dreadful warning .
- 如果日本能迅速地解决其人口问题,它还有机会成为解决老龄化问题的榜样,而不会让其经历成为一个令人后怕的警告。