

n.汤团( dumpling的名词复数 );饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人
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- So we sat around grumbling about the boring skits and lame songs , filling dumplings with meat and vegetables .
- 于是,我们一起坐着,边往饺子里装入肉和蔬菜,边抱怨着糟糕的小品和蛋疼的歌曲。
- So we stood in the freezing night air , safely admiring the show for a couple minutes before running inside to eat dumplings .
- 在跑回屋吃饺子之前,我们在站在寒冷的夜空中站了几分钟,安全地欣赏着烟花。
- Naturally we order pierogi the famous polish dumplings and are served a plateful that should keep any tourist going for days .
- 我们点了pierogi一种有名的波兰饺子,给我们上来的量足够任何旅行者吃几天了。
- Mo yan once said that as a child he wanted to be a writer just for eating tasty dumplings three meals a day and marrying a mason 's daughter .
- 莫言曾说,他小时候之所以想当一个作家,就是想一日三餐都吃上香喷喷的饺子,就是想娶石匠女儿当老婆。
- I 'd like some dumplings and fish .
- 我要一些饺子和鱼。
- He likes noodles and dumplings very much .
- 他非常喜欢面条和饺子.
- Nick ate both his dumplings .
- 尼克把两个饺子都吃了。
- Mother gave me a portion of her dumplings to show her love .
- 母亲把她的一些饺子分给我,以示关爱。
- We usually eat rice , but we don 't usually eat dumplings every day .
- 我们经常吃米饭,但饺子可不是每天都吃。
- The sun is setting . We still have a full pot of dumplings .
- 太阳渐渐西下,而我们还有满满一锅饺子。