dunces 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When a true genius appears in this world , you may know him by this sign , that the dunces are all in confederacy against him .
- 当一个真正的天才问世时,你可以根据一种现象来认识他,即所有蠢才联合一致来反对他。
- Dunces and blockheads live in a state of perpetual envy .
- 笨蛋与傻子活於永恒地嫉妒之中。
- We were considered such dunces that we could learn only english .
- 我们被视为智力迟钝的学生,只配学习英语。
- The defects of great men are the consolation of dunces .
- 伟人有缺点是愚人的安慰。
- Young men think old men are fools , but old men know young men are dunces .
- 青年人以为老年人蠢,老年人认为年轻人傻。