

dunes 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Dunes
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- Sand dunes sprawl along the coast of northeastern brazil , sometimes extending kilometers inland .
- 沙丘沿着巴西东北部海岸蔓延,有时会往内陆扩展数公里。
- Winds push the sand dunes eastward past har nuur and the nearby mountains .
- 风吹得沙丘向东推进,越过哈尔湖和附近的山区。
- Beach grass sprouts from sand dunes at cape hatteras in north carolina .
- 在北卡罗莱纳州的哈特拉斯角的海滩上,海滩草正从沙丘上发芽。
- Some dunes lost 10 feet of elevation , and the change in the coastline was dramatic .
- 一些沙丘的海拔高度直降10英尺,极大地改变了海岸线的形状。
- In western mongolia , braided streams of sand dunes stretch east-west across the arid landscape .
- 在蒙古西部,一条条沙丘延绵不断,由西向东横跨干旱的风景。
- The country is also adding millions of cubic yards of sand to dunes that hold back the north sea .
- 该国还为海岸沙丘填埋了数百万立方码的沙土,以阻挡北海的潮涌。
- Dunes and ripples of many sizes take center stage in this image taken nov. 25 , 2006 .
- 不同大小的沙丘和波纹状地带是这张摄于2006年11月25日的照片重点展现的位置。
- It is possible that the linear dunes are a reflection of earlier times , when winds were stronger or sand more plentiful .
- 如果有更强的风力或更丰饶的沙,线性沙丘还有可能反映出沙漠更早时代的样子。
- The salt-loving tall grass thrives in beach ecosystems and helps to form and protect sand dunes by collecting windblown grains .
- 爱好盐分的高茎草在海滩生态系统中蓬勃发展,由于它收集起被风起的砂目颗粒,有助于形成和保护沙丘。
- Over thousands of years winds have sculpted sand in the namib desert into some of the world 's tallest dunes colored red by iron oxide .
- 数千年的大风将纳米布沙漠中的沙子堆砌成世界上最高的沙丘,沙子中的氧化铁使其显现出红色。