

v.拆开( dismantle的现在分词 );拆卸;废除;取消

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The dismantling of the joint forces command is a second big blow to virginia .
Since dismantling the eurozone would be very costly , as I argued last week , could such a union deal with the current difficulties ?
This , together with a decline in sighting activity , led to the dismantling of project blue book in 1969 .
It has also been argued that the government could actually earn more money by dismantling the high-margin retail stores while keeping the lucrative wholesale business as alberta 's privatization of the liquor business suggests .
Bell urged allies to suspend all ties with the north through " total economic sanctions " and an abandonment of the six-party talks aimed at dismantling the north 's nuclear program .
The economic partnership agreements would " amputate " state budgets and ruin african industries by dismantling tariff barriers , he said .
Though daunting , this should be less difficult to achieve than dismantling dictatorship and stabilising the economy proved to be .
Cuba has already begun dismantling its system of state gratuities and subsidised goods and services , including help with energy bills , the meals at work and the world 's longest-standing food ration .
Dismantling limits on the capital account is widely seen as essential for the yuan to blossom into a major global currency , rivaling the euro or the yen , because companies and central banks want the currencies they hold to be easily tradable .
What we are confronted with is , in my opinion , nothing less than a sharp risk of dismantling , or at least damaging the global economic machine at the risk of deglobalisation .