v.揭穿真相,暴露( debunk的过去式和过去分词 )
debunked 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So there you have it : five female orgasm myths totally debunked .
- 现在你已经掌握了它:五大性高潮谬误尽已揭穿。
- Another climate change blunder : first it 's melting glaciers , now natural disaster claim is debunked .
- 另一单气候变化失误:首先是冰川融化,现在是自然灾害宣称被拆穿。
- The newspaper debunked the youth cult as the tool of a foreign government .
- 报纸揭穿了此青年派别作为某外国政府的工具的真相。
- Tom is as cunning as a fox . He can always deceive us and not be debunked .
- 汤姆是一个十分狡猾的人,他总是可以不断欺骗大家却不被揭穿。
- But dr. helgoe says this theory has been largely debunked .
- 但赫尔戈博士说,这个理论已经遭到了很多人的反对。
- This is a debunked story .
- 这是一个反击的故事。
- It was definitely a paradigm shift , because it got this stress thing debunked .
- 这绝对是一个模式转移,因为它颠覆了压力学说。
- Of course , the supposed infallibility of the market in allocating capital has been debunked .
- 当然,市场在资本配置中所谓的绝对正确性,已被证明名不副实。
- A lot of people used to believe that , but now it 's been completely debunked .
- 过去很多人相信那种想法,但现已真相大白。
- Sadly google itself quickly debunked the suggestion , explaining that the lines were left by a boat as it collected data for the application .
- 遗憾的是google很快就反驳了这一说法,解释说这些线是一艘搜集数据的船只留下的。