Rogers , this vintage horror tale debunks history books to tell the veracious , harrowing story of a rural texas community whose residents were terrified for years by a mysterious creature inhabiting the nearby woods .
Now a new study debunks one of the major myths surrounding vaccines : that the preservative thimerosal , which contains a form of mercury called ethylmercury , causes autism .
The link above also debunks the opportunistic feeder theory , which states that because humanscaneat like omnivores , that we must thereforebeomnivores .
Ms sarotte debunks myths : the opening of the wall on november 9th was not planned , let alone forced .
The study , by online clothes retailer marisota , debunks the myth that women are at their happiest trawling stores spending money .
In a review article , a faculty member at tufts university school of dental medicine ( tusdm ) debunks common dental myths and outlines how diet and nutrition affects oral health in children , teenagers , expectant mothers , adults and elders .