
corralling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

He and colleagues noticed players were sending one message to their facebook friends at far higher rates than others : a canned message commemorating their success in corralling a sheep .
As such , more members of the pods are becoming involved in the role of parenting or corralling a younger member or junior member of the pod .
In the name of building a " new socialist countryside " ( a slogan launched in 2005 ) , local governments have been corralling farmers into new apartment blocks in order to free up land which they can use for profitable purposes .
In the name of building a " new socialist countryside " ( a slogan launched in 2005 ) local governments have been corralling farmers into new apartment blocks in order to free up land which they can use for profitable purposes .
For example , shintaro ishihara , who sparked the current crisis over the islands , routinely denies japan 's wartime atrocities such as the corralling of thousands of " comfort women " into military brothels .
Other methods observed by scientists and witnesses include ' corralling ' , where groups of orcas circle a lone shark and ram it or stealthily approach the shark from directly below and catch it off guard by attacking its underbelly .
Since social networks rely on big numbers of users , corralling yahoo members into google + would help google build a strong rival to facebook .
Corralling them has been tough .
By constantly rounding them up and corralling them .
America is corralling hundreds of companies around common standards , and supporting pilot projects .