The government has run out of cash , and no one seems willing to lend it any without radical economic and democratic reforms , which king mswati iii refuses even to contemplate .
Similarly , the fact that " neither herschel nor whewell strongly and publicly denounced darwin " when he did publish his " origin of species " seems somewhat weaker evidence than snyder might wish of their willingness to contemplate a scientific view of man 's origins .
While political leaders fumbled toward a solution , analysts and bankers began to contemplate the consequences if there is an agreement to sharply cut the greek debt load and require banks to raise their reserves .
There are control issues : he has recently lost your mother , and after such a major loss , the thought of giving up his lifelong home is too much to contemplate .
As they contemplate high unemployment , foreclosed homes , shrivelled house prices and the arrogant follies of their investment bankers , americans may cast envious glances across their northern border .
Coming back down to earth , pi day and pi approximation day are great reasons to have some dessert and contemplate the most transfixing transcendental .
Those who switched late from ms rousseff might find a speedy move to mr serra too dizzying to contemplate .
Some european countries are beginning to contemplate ( and , to a limited extent , undertake ) economic reforms .