
[kənˈtɛmplətɪv, ˈkɑntəmˌple-]

contemplative 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- People within these cultures are more phlegmatic and contemplative ; their environment does not expect them to express emotions .
- 陷于此种文化之中者是更加迟钝和沉思的,他们的环境也不盼望他们表现出情感。
- I guess I 'm just feeling contemplative this evening .
- 可能今晚我是有点入定了吧。
- Only enrich our own conscience and contemplative mind .
- 反躬自省和沉思默想只会充实我们的头脑。
- The expression is elegant , intelligent and contemplative .
- 表现出的气质是优雅、聪明和沉稳的。
- There is a contemplative look on his face .
- 他脸上显出深思的表情。
- There is something uniquely noble , even contemplative , about the look of a german shepherd dog .
- 德国牧羊犬的外观有一种独特的高贵感,甚至带有一种洒脱出神感。
- There are now growing efforts to revitalize contemplative practices and wisdom in each of these traditions .
- 现在在所有这些传统文化中,复兴冥想惯例的努力都在不断成长。
- This transformation requires a rigorous , authentic contemplative discipline and the german idealists had none .
- 这种转变需要严肃可靠、深思熟虑的原则,而这正是德国唯心主义者们所缺乏的。
- Home to some 40 universities and colleges , the city 's culture is conservative and contemplative , not competitive .
- 南京拥有约40所院校,其文化属于保守型、思考型,但不是竞争型。
- Like asian art in general , asian dance is usually associated with religion and may be contemplative in character .
- 像个别的亚洲艺术一样,亚洲舞蹈通常也与宗教相干,并或者有寻思懊悔的特点。