

contemporaneous 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Beethoven was contemporaneous with napoleon .
- 贝多芬与拿破仑是同时代的人。
- The extensional migration and pulsative development are related to the contemporaneous pacific plate movement .
- 这些伸展活动的迁移现象和脉动式发展与同期的太平洋板块活动有关。
- The analysis about the contemporaneous documents preparation of the special tax adjustments .
- 特别纳税调整之同期资料准备解读。
- An enterprise may provide contemporaneous documents to tax authorities during desktop verification and analysis .
- 企业可以在案头审核阶段向税务机关提供同期资料.
- Moreover , we show that the contemporaneous correlation of earnings growth and stock returns decreases with the ability to predict future earnings .
- 而且,我们指出了收益增长、股票回报减少与预测未来收益的能力之间的同期相关。
- My first memories are fragmentary and isolated and contemporaneous , as though one remembered vaguely some early day of the seven days .
- 关于我生命最初始的记忆是支离破碎而又相互重叠的,就好像人们关于一周最开始的几天的记忆一样的模糊不清。
- But the logs demonstrate how much of the contemporaneous us internal reporting of air strikes is simply false .
- 但日志中的记载显示了当时美国内部空袭报告有多少是完全错误的。
- I wish to fill you with sympathy with a contemporaneous tendency in which I profoundly believe .
- 我希望能够引起你们对于我所深信的一种新趋向的充分同情。
- In the contemporaneous economic activities brand strategy has a profound influence on the enterprise .
- 在现代经济活动中,品牌战略对企业而言具有重要的意义和作用。
- In the contemporaneous economic activities , brand strategy has a profound influence on the enterprise .
- 经济活动中,品牌战略对企业而言具有重要的意义和作用。