

contemplation 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Contemplation becomes reflexive , like breathing .
- 沉思也变得是反射性的,就像呼吸。
- All of the extra training did afford me plenty of time to myself for reflection and contemplation .
- 这些额外的训练为我提供了大量的时间来对自己进行反思及冥想。
- But is the idea of happiness as an experience of contemplation really so ridiculous ?
- 但是,冥想即快乐的理论就真的这么可笑么?
- Three times a day , a gong sounds and teachers and students pause for a moment of contemplation .
- 每天三次,在铃声响起后,全体师生都要停下来冥想一会儿。
- For a chamber supposedly devoted to cool contemplation , the debate is getting a little heated .
- 对于用来冷静沉思的议院来说,这场辩论有愈演愈热的趋势。
- And this song of hopeless love born in contemplation may also seem the most effective guide for action .
- 而这首关于从沉思中生出的毫无希望的爱的歌曲看起来也像是最有效的行动指南。
- Drawing requires a downtime . It is close to contemplation and even active meditation .
- 画画需要一个人在空闲下来后进行,这类似于沉思,甚至是一种积极的冥想。
- You can designate time for your own activities , whether that be work or cleaning or exercise or quiet contemplation .
- 你可以为你自己的活动分配时间,不管是工作或是清洁或是锻炼或是宁静的沉思。
- On the bench next to mine , two men in their 70s sat in quiet contemplation as dusk settled .
- 我旁边的长椅上,两位70多岁的老人在黄昏的余晖中,静坐沉思。
- It demands attention and response . It is the enemy of contemplation .
- 它要求关注和回应,它是沉思的敌人。