
n.征服者,占领者( conqueror的名词复数 )
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- At a moment when nationalistic claims and counter-claims are resounding over the ice-floes , the region 's intractability still forces its would-be conquerors to rub along .
- 当有朝一日国家主义的主张或反诉回漾在冰川之上时,这一地区问题的刺手性仍将迫使那些自诩的征服者们勉强共处。
- One thing is certain , which is , that generally after conquerors follow thieves .
- 有一点却是确实的,就是常有小偷跟在胜利者后面。
- If the iraqi people welcome allied forces as liberators rather than conquerors , then quibbles about legality may be overlooked .
- 如果伊拉克人民以解放者而不是侵略者来欢迎美军,那么有关合法性的遁词可能被忽略了。
- But less than a century after it became the armenian capital in 961 , the city began falling victim to waves of conquerors , including seljuk turks , georgians and mongols .
- 然而她在961年成为亚美尼亚的首都后不到一个世纪,便开始沦为一系列征服者的牺牲品,这些征服者包括塞尔柱王朝的土耳其人、格鲁吉亚人和蒙古人。
- Trujillo was founded in the early 16th century by the spanish conquerors .
- 16世纪初西班牙征服音建特喜希略。
- But beating their conquerors does not necessarily mean we could beat them .
- 但战胜联合队的克星并不一定意味我们就能战胜联合队。
- Dignity , even survival , for many uprooted asians seemed to lie in careful imitation of their western conquerors .
- 尊严,甚至是生存,对于很多流离失所的亚洲人来说,似乎就是小心翼翼地模仿西方统治者。
- Liverpool , their conquerors on tuesday night , may go on to lift the european cup next month , yet what are trophies except meaningless baubles that moth and rust destroy ?
- 周二征服他们的利物浦,可能在下月举起欧洲杯,但他们举起的除了是一件蛀蚀生锈的小玩意,还能是什么?
- And there were many such . There were men of good family , driven to desperation by poverty , who had gone over to the enemy , become republicans and accepted positions from the conquerors , so their families would not be on charity .
- 这样的人为数不少,有些人,家庭背景不错,但由于贫穷,走投无路,投靠了敌人,加入了共和党,接受了胜利者给他们安排的工作,否则他们全家就要依靠救济过活了。
- The tunisian sheikh objected , noting that not even the muslim conquerors of egypt 14 centuries ago had seen fit to destroy its ancient treasures , and that no-one worshipped any statues these days .
- 突尼斯酋长反驳说,14世纪前,当时还没有人崇拜雕像,埃及的穆斯林占领者都不曾毁掉这些古代珍宝。