
v.攻克( conquer的过去式和过去分词 );征服;破除;克服
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- One of the most daunting challenges is to stay vigilant until aids is at last conquered .
- 最艰巨的挑战之一是要一直保持警惕,直到艾滋病被彻底征服。
- Israel then attacked and conquered eastern jerusalem , the gaza strip , the west bank and the golan heights .
- 然后,以色列反击并攻克了东耶路撒冷、加沙地带、约旦河西岸及戈兰高地。
- In the 7th and 8th centuries , arabs conquered the region and brought islam .
- 公元7到8世纪,阿拉伯人征服了这个地区并且带来了伊斯兰教。
- Mr chaney does identify some conquered countries with rainfall levels similar to those of unconquered muslim states .
- 钱尼指出一些被征服国家的降水量与一些未被征服的穆斯林国家的类似。
- Between the fourth and eighth centuries a.d. , most of both portions were conquered by the franks .
- 从公元四世纪到八世纪期间,东西部的大多数人被弗兰克斯人所征服。
- Mr palmer notes that he conquered a chunk of mongolia through " sheer energy and desperation " .
- palmer先生提到他通过“完全的精力和绝望”征服了蒙古一大片地方。
- Many of these foreigners lived in khara khorum involuntarily , conscripts from conquered cities .
- 很多这些外国人不情愿地住了下来,他们都是从被征服的城市里被征召过来的。
- It was raided , but not conquered , by the pisans and genoans in the 11th century .
- 十一世纪时,比萨人和热那亚人曾袭掠此地,但没有完成征服。
- In fact , it is almost perfectly conterminous with lands conquered by muslim dynasties in the centuries after the death of the prophet muhammad .
- 事实上,它,几乎是在先知穆罕默德去世的几个世纪后,与穆斯林王朝征服阿拉伯土地完美地相接。
- Indeed , reading some western history books one might be forgiven for thinking that the persians existed to be conquered by alexander .
- 确实,如果一个人只读过西方的历史书,从而觉得波斯人存在的意义仅仅是等着被亚历山大征服,这也是情有可原的。