
v.攻克( conquer的现在分词 );征服;破除;克服
conquering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Medical advances are conquering diseases and extending lifespans .
- 医学的发展得以攻克疾病并延长生命。
- I soon began to realize that these fearswere worth conquering .
- 我很快就开始认识到,这些担心是值得征服的。
- This idea of conquering a shared enemy is a powerful motivator and turns customers into evangelists .
- 这个征服共同敌人的创意是一个强大的动力并让消费者转向福音。
- Instead , I think about the joy I feel in conquering it and the tool I used .
- 相反,我考虑我通过征服而感到的欢乐以及我用过的工具。
- The new arrivals are conquering territory ( and sometimes hiring staff ) shed by established western organisations .
- 新来者正在征服西方老牌组织失去的领土(有时候也雇佣它们的员工)。
- The usual arguments in favor of mandarin education say that he should be on his way to conquering the world .
- 支持学习中文普通话的人也许会说,我儿子已经迈上了征服世界的旅途。
- But once the conquering was done muslim leaders found that trying to compel uniform belief in a multinational empire was a lose-lose game .
- 但一旦征服结束,穆斯林领导人发现试图强迫在一个多国家的帝国中统一信仰是一场两败俱伤的游戏。
- As central bankers and economists from around the world gather on thursday for the fed 's annual retreat in jackson hole , wyo. , most are likely to welcome mr. bernanke as a conquering hero .
- 当来自全世界的央行行长和经济学家齐聚周四在俄亥明州jacksonhole举行的美联储年度务虚会时,大部分人都会把伯南克当做征服的英雄来欢迎。
- The idea of ' conquering ' aging has raised hopes , but it has also spurred a debate about whether people should actually aspire to live that long .
- “征服”衰老这一理念给人类带来了希望,但也引发了关于人类是否真的应该追求如此长的寿命的争议。
- One of plato 's students was aristotle , who in turn went on to teach alexander the great , who went on to great things , specifically conquering the world .
- 柏拉图的一个学生是亚里士多德,他后来成为了亚历山大大帝的老师,亚历山大后来做了很多大事,特别一提的是征服了世界。