
n.西班牙征服者,征服者( conquistador的名词复数 )
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- Well before the start of the silk-and-silver trade across the pacific , spanish and portuguese conquistadors were sailing the atlantic in search of precious metals .
- 在跨过太平洋开始进行丝绸白银贸易之前很长一段时间里,西班牙和葡萄牙的殖民者们都在穿越大西洋寻找稀有金属。
- Driven by gold lust , spanish conquistadors razed the civilizations of the aztecs and the incas , who believed gold came from the sun .
- 以对黄金的渴望为动力,西班牙征服者们毁灭了阿兹特克和古印加,那个相信黄金来自太阳的文明。
- The spanish conquistadors toppled the inca empire in the 16th century in their quest for silver and gold .
- 西班牙征服者推翻了他们追求金银16世纪的印加帝国。
- They are the first people of the americas , subject to wave after wave of genocide since the arrival of the conquistadors .
- 他们是第一批达到美洲的人,自从征服者踏足美洲后,他们就经受了一波又一波的种族灭绝。
- By the early 16th century , spanish conquistadors had penetrated deep into the central and south american continents .
- 16世纪初,西班牙征服者的势力范围已经渗透到中南美洲大陆。
- His brutal reign would foreshadow the arrival of the spanish warriors called conquistadors who would plunder and destroy the large , wealthy aztec , incan , and mayan civilizations .
- 他的残暴统治预示了所谓的“西班牙征服者”将对幅员辽阔,物资丰饶的阿兹特克、印加和玛雅文明进行的毁灭。
- The conquistadors , believing they held considerable military and technological superiority over these cultures , attacked and destroyed the aztecs in 1521 and the incas in 1532 .
- 认为自己拥有军事和科技优势的西班牙征服者,于1521年灭掉了阿兹特克,又于1532年灭掉了印加。
- Well before the start of the silk-and-silver trade across the pacific spanish and portuguese conquistadors were sailing the atlantic in search of precious metals .
- 恰恰在跨太平洋的丝绸-白银贸易开始之前,西班牙和葡萄牙的征服者正在横渡大西洋寻找贵金属。
- One of very few indigenous american people to resist the ravages of spanish conquistadors , christian missionaries and , now , eco-tourists , militias , drug lords and heavy industry , the kogi have observed frightening changes to their homeland in recent decades .
- 科吉人是极少数土著美洲人之一,曾抗拒西班牙征服者,基督教传教士的摧残,现在又抗拒生态旅游,武装行动,毒枭和重工业,他们亲眼目睹近几十年自己家园所经受的可怕变化。
- His conquistadors glutted themselves with gold in the new world , but at a heavy cost that included , in the words of 19th-century american historian william h. prescott , " the most atrocious acts of perfidy on the record of history . "
- 在新大陆,他的征服者们用黄金满足了自己的胃口,但也付出了沉重的代价,用十九世纪美国历史学者威廉.普雷斯科特的话说,“那是有史以来最为背信弃义的暴行”。