comme 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Comme oon ! Give mme the fuuck ! Iung guuun !
- 快点,妈的把枪给我
- It is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money .
- 对一位绅士来说,经常向别人要钱是不合适的。
- I like to give slightly outlandish beauty products such as lip exfoliators or electric eyelash curlers or comme des gar ?
- 我想送些稍微有点怪异的美容产品,比如唇部磨砂膏或者电动睫毛夹或者commedesgar?
- Waters also accepted the international award on behalf of tokyo-based rei kawakubo , who won honors as an international designer for her often creative , balloonlike silhouettes created for the label comme des garcons .
- 沃特斯还代表东京的川久保玲接受了国际奖项川久保玲因其品牌独特和创意,气球状剪影获得荣誉国际设计师称号。
- These weird , hybridized outlays -- part punitive fine , part voluntary donation -- are called cy presawards , meaning " as close as possible " ( from the old norman , cy pres comme possible ) .
- 这笔一半是罚款、一半是自愿捐赠性质的费用被称为“近似罚金”(cypresawards,cypres一词来自法语,意为“近似合理”——译注)。
- Why did you comme ?
- 你们怎么会到这的?
- Comme dans un western .
- 就好想西部片一样。
- I mean , that 's comme il faut , right ?
- 我的意思是,那是天经地义的事,对不对?
- What ? Come and see comme omn !
- 看什么?来看呀,来呀!