
n.住处( domicile的名词复数 );永久住处
domiciles 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Names , domiciles and names of legal representatives of both parties involved in the interbank lending .
- 同业拆借交易双方的名称、住所及法定代表人的姓名。
- Applicants are now able to obtain their driving licenses and domiciles through one window operation .
- 申请人现在能以获取他们的驾驶执照和住所地通过一个窗口运行。
- Review and approval for the changes of futures brokerage companies in legal representatives , registered capitals , shareholders or equity structures and domiciles .
- 期货经纪公司变更法定代表人、注册资本、股东或股权结构、住所核准。
- Names , legal representatives and domiciles of the transferor , the listed company , and the potential transferee .
- 转让方、上市公司、拟受让方企业名称、法定代表人及住所。
- Where the domiciles or habitual residences of several defendants in the same lawsuit are in the areas under the jurisdiction of two or more people 's courts , all of those people 's courts shall have jurisdiction over the lawsuit .
- 同一诉讼的几个被告住所地、经常居住地在两个以上人民法院辖区的,各该人民法院都有管辖权。
- A document specifying the names and domiciles of the company s directors , supervisors and managers , and the certificates related to their appointment , election or employment .
- 载明公司董事、监事、经理姓名、住所的文件以及有关委派、选举或者聘用的证明。
- The particulars of the parties to the agreement , including their names and domiciles , the names , positions and nationalities of their legal representatives , etc.
- 协议各方的状况,包括名称(姓名),住所,法定代表人姓名、职务、国籍等。
- Article 140 registered shares shall be transferred by means of endorsement by shareholders or by such other means as provided for by laws or administrative regulations ; and after such transfer , the company shall register the names or titles and domiciles of the transferees in its roster of shareholders .
- 第一百四十条记名股票,由股东以背书方式或者法律、行政法规规定的其他方式转让;转让后由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于股东名册。
- Article 253 subscribers shall fill in the forms of subscription by indicating therein the amount of subscription and their domiciles or residences , affixing their respective signatures or seals thereon , and assume the obligation to pay the amount they have filled in the forms of subscription .
- 第253条应募人应在应募书上填写所认金额及其住所或居所,签名或盖章,并照所填应募书负缴款之义务。
- Article 21 if a foreign law firm applies for writing off its representative office , it shall submit the application letter signed by its main responsible person to the department ( bureau ) of justice of the province , autonomous region or municipality where the representative office domiciles .
- 第二十一条外国律师事务所申请注销代表处的,应当向代表处住所地的省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局)提交其主要负责人签署的申请书。