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- After that , cera reckons , " supply may well struggle to meet demand , but an undulating plateau rather than a dramatic peak will likely unfold " .
- 然后,剑桥能源研究协会预测:“供给可能难以满足需求,但起伏波动的高点比一个引人注目的高峰点是更可能出现。”
- But cera cautions that developed nations will hardly be through with oil anytime soon .
- 但是cera提醒发达国家在任何时间并不能很快会抛弃石油。
- By 2030 , according to ihs cera , a firm of consultants , the tar sands should supply more than one-third of america 's imported oil .
- 到2030年,根据剑桥能源咨询公司(ihscera,一家咨询公司)的估计,美国进口石油的三分之一以上将来自焦油砂。
- In the third quarter , costs were still rising at annual rates of 19 per cent in the upstream industry oil and gas production and 12 per cent in the downstream refining industry , the ihs cera index said .
- ihscera指数显示,去年第三季度,上游工业(即油气生产)的成本仍在以19%的年率增长,而下游炼制工业则在以12%的速度增长。