

McKinsey 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mckinsey must devoutly hope that there is no third man .
- 麦肯锡必须虔诚地祈祷不会再有第三个人出现。
- Another study by mckinsey in 2007 concluded that making teaching a high-status profession was what boosted standards .
- 2007年mckinsey的另一研究发现,让教学成为高水平职业的方法是提高标准。
- Mckinsey divides it into five categories .
- 麦肯锡将其分为5类。
- New york has hired consultants from mckinsey to develop a new strategy .
- 纽约已经从麦肯锡雇佣一批财务顾问以制定新战略。
- Mckinsey global institute published similar projections .
- 麦肯锡全球研究所公布的预测也很相似。
- India 's economy will grow fivefold in the next 20 years , predicts mckinsey , a consultancy .
- 一名咨询顾问mckinsey预言,未来的20年,印度经济将翻5番。
- Mckinsey outlines a strategy for making deep cuts in both coal consumption and carbon emissions .
- 麦肯锡公司描绘了一个能大幅削减煤炭和碳排放的策略。
- Joseph ngai of mckinsey reckons that rich asia could see 11-12 % growth in insurance premiums .
- 麦肯锡咨询公司的约瑟夫耐估算,富裕的亚洲能增长11-12%的保费。
- A former head of mckinsey , mr gupta advises the un on management reform .
- 作为麦肯锡的前负责人,古普塔先生建议联合国进行管理改革。
- In the future , mckinsey predicts there will be more jobs for robots .
- 麦肯锡预测,未来会有更多的工作交给机器人来做。