

bing 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Bing

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- Detroit 's mayor , dave bing , now says the city will run out of cash in april 2012 .
- 底特律的市长戴夫宾宣布该市将于2012年4月份用尽现金。
- Yet while mr bing has denounced the state 's actions , they may help him swing the deal he needs to save his city .
- 但是尽管宾先生对于州的行为进行了谴责,他们却可能会帮助他提出他需要的可以挽救他的城市的措施。
- Sandy baruah , head of the detroit regional chamber of commerce , reckons mr bing 's proposals , while painful , are viable .
- 底特律地区商会总长sandybaruah承认,宾先生的提议,虽然令人难以接受,但确实行之有效。
- The mayor of detroit , dave bing , has seemed keen to negotiate a " consent agreement " between the city and the state .
- 底特律市长戴夫宾似乎很想在城市和州间商讨一个“共同条款”以解决问题。