evers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But bill evers says technology now makes it easier to develop individual learning plans to meet the different needs of students .
- 但是billevers说:现在的科技可以更容易地制定个人学习计划,以满足不同学生的需要。
- " We haven 't added more personnel ; we 're just doing more checks and asking our officers and citizens to be more aware , " said lt. ray evers , a police spokesman .
- 一位叫做rayevers少校的警方发言人说道,“我们还没有增派更多的警员;只是在进行更多的巡查并要求我们的警官和市民们提高警惕。”
- The additional security includes hourly checks at some of the city 's synagogues and mosques , as well as arranging meetings with building superintendents and representatives of large businesses and manufacturers to remind them to report suspicious activity to the police , lieutenant evers said .
- 增加的安全措施包括在该城市的一些犹太教会堂和清真寺进行每小时一次的检查,以及安排与大厦负责人、大公司和工厂的代表会面以提醒他们向警方上报可疑活动,evers少校如是说。
- Mr. evers , may I confide in you ?
- 艾弗斯先生,我可以信任你吗?
- Mr. evers coaxes him inside , telling him that his mother " wants you to shower before she gets here . "
- 艾弗斯先生把他哄进洗澡间,告诉他是他母亲要他先去洗好澡。
- On a recent morning , evers steered his pickup truck through a central california almond grove , his drawling sales pitch at the ready .
- 最近的一个早晨,埃瓦斯驾驶着他的货运卡车穿过加州中部的杏仁树林,他的慢吞吞的售货摊子已经准备好了。
- One of those opponents is bill evers at the hoover institution at stanford university in california .
- 反对者之一是加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学研究所的billevers。
- He must leave this house , mr. evers .
- 他必须离开这房子埃佛斯先生.
- You have very beautiful children , ms. evers .
- 你的孩子长得很漂亮,艾佛斯夫人。
- What do you think of the house , ms. evers ?
- 你觉得这房子怎样,艾佛斯夫人?