Hungry rats that binge on sugar provoke a surge of dopamine in their brains .
They are arranging ever bigger debt issues for private-equity firms and hedge funds and so are encouraging a borrowing binge that could breed financial instability .
There are other serious problems to address : alcoholism has long plagued much of northern europe , so the governments of nordic countries have used high taxes and restricted sales to limit binge drinking .
The rcp 's warning comes after professor nick heather , a lecturer at northumbria university , urged mps to increase daily drinking guidelines to include a " binge drinking limit " for maximum consumption in one day .
Speaking to the house of commons science and technology committee last week , professor sir ian gilmore , special adviser on alcohol at the rcp , said britain 's binge drinking culture was creating a " tide of harm " in hospitals across the country .
The combination of easy credit , low interest rates and a consumption-oriented culture helped fuel a spending binge for americans until the financial crisis .
That 's right , when you follow extremely strict diets for very long periods of time , I don 't care how much willpower you say you have , you 're going to eventually binge .
The u.s. - based group international campaign for human rights in iran says the iranian government is on an " execution binge , " averaging one execution every eight hours so far in 2011 .