NYX 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As a teenager , she had visited the nyse ( nyx ) with her family and , looking down from the balcony from the exchange , she was instantly taken — perhaps not unlike a boy of the time who first cast eyes down upon yankee stadium from the bleachers .
- 西伯特十几岁时和家人到过纽交所,从挑台向下看时,她立刻就被吸引住了——这可能就像当时的男孩子第一次从看台上俯视扬基棒球队的球场。
- The nyse ( nyx ) has had a " for sale " sign on its door for a very long time .
- 纽交所摆出待售姿态已经有很长一段时间了。
- Note to nyse euronext ( nyx ) staffers : new york has a german-american chamber of commerce with 750 member companies .
- 在这里提醒纽约泛欧交易所的员工们:纽约市有一个德美商会,它有750家会员企业。
- On wednesday , duncan niederauer , the chief executive of the nyse ( nyx ) , told employees in a video message that european antitrust officials were going to advise european ministers to block the merger .
- 周三,纽约证交所首席执行官邓肯•尼德奥尔在发给员工的视频中称,欧洲反垄断官员将建议欧洲各国部长阻止此次合并。
- More than 140 quickly did , including the ceos at pepsi ( pep ) , disney ( dis ) , intuit ( intu ) , whole foods ( wfm ) , j. crew , aol ( aol ) , the new york stock exchange ( nyx ) , and nasdaq .
- 140多位企业领袖迅速响应,其中包括百事可乐(Pepsi)、迪斯尼(Disney)、财捷(Intuit)、全食超市(WholeFoods)、J.Crew服饰、美国在线(AOL)、纽约证交所(NewYorkStockExchange)和纳斯达克(Nasdaq)等公司的CEO。
- In life there are few coincidences , and this one probably isn 't either : the day knight capital group 's computers nearly blew up the market and lost the firm $ 440 million in 45 minutes is the same day that the new york stock exchange ( nyx ) launched a new trading system that was , in part , meant to take business away from knight ( kcg ) .
- 现实生活中鲜有巧合,这次可能也不是巧合:就在骑士资本公司(KnightCapitalGroup)的电脑几乎摧毁市场、45分钟内造成该公司损失4.40亿美元的同一天,纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)推出了一套新型交易系统,目的就是为了从类似骑士公司这样的造市商手中夺回业务。
- Nyx is very different from most goddesses .
- 尼克斯与大多数女神不同。
- " The joke was that they nixed nyx , " stern said .
- 斯特恩说:“他们不用尼克斯。”
- Nyx can bring you either sleep or death depending on the situation .
- 尼克斯会根据情况带给你睡眠或是死亡。
- Some sources even say that nyx is the mother of eros and that she laid a germless egg in the bosom of erebus and the golden-winged eros was born ( after many long ages ) .
- 甚至有说尼克斯是厄洛斯的母亲,她在厄瑞波斯的怀中孕育了一个无胚蛋卵,多年以后,长有金色翅膀的厄洛斯便出生了。