
Dusseldorf 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Since the start of the year , higher food and energy prices have undermined consumer confidence not only in detroit but also in dusseldorf , delhi and dalian .
- 今年年初以来,食品和能源价格上涨损伤了诸多消费者的信心,不仅底特律的消费者如此,杜塞尔多夫、德里和大连亦是如此。
- That 's the implication of a study by bettina pause at the university of dusseldorf , germany , and colleagues .
- 这是德国杜塞尔多夫大学的贝蒂娜鲍丝与其同事所做一项研究的结论。
- It seems that hannover like milan , dusseldorf and copenhagen , and quite a few others we could mention ( I 'm looking at you , birmingham ) is one of those cities which boasts a massive , world-class exhibition centre , but which has neglected to provide anywhere for visitors to actually stay .
- 看起来,汉诺威和米兰、杜塞尔多夫和哥本哈根,还有许多在此必提的城市一样(我指的就是你,伯明翰)这些城市到处修建国际大型展会中心,却不给来访者提供任何住宿的地方。
- During the retrial of the mannesmann case , which ended abruptly this week , he had been compelled to sit like a naughty schoolboy along with five co-defendants on the benches of a dusseldorf criminal court .
- 在曼内斯曼一案的重审过程中(审判已于本周戛然而止),他曾一度被迫与五位被告一同坐在杜塞尔多夫的刑事法庭上,就像一个爱闯祸的小学生。
- Last month a regional court in dusseldorf issued a preliminary ruling in apple 's favor , banning the sale of the 10-inch galaxy tab in europe .
- 上个月,杜尔塞多夫的地方法院做出了有利于苹果公司的初步裁决,禁止在欧洲销售10英寸的银河平板电脑。
- Original fossil remains were found in 1856 in the neander valley , near dusseldorf , germany .
- 最早的化石发现于1856年,德国杜塞尔多夫附近的尼安德山谷。
- He stumbled by refusing to say he would stay in dusseldorf to lead the opposition if he lost .
- 其拒绝说如果败选的话,他将留在杜塞尔多夫领导反对派,对此,他踌躇不已。
- While europe 's flag carriers concentrated on their hubs , emirates sought secondary markets such as manchester , glasgow , hamburg and dusseldorf .
- 欧洲的国有航空公司专心于他们的中心,而阿联酋则在曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥、汉堡和杜塞尔多夫等二级市场探寻商机。
- Fast forward to dusseldorf in 2007 and german banks from across the public and private sphere have stepped up to the plate to rescue ikb .
- 不妨快进到2007年的杜塞尔多夫,德国来自公共和私人领域的各家银行已加紧行动,为德国产业投资银行纾困。